Quick Tuition Estimator

If you need any assistance with this calculator contact our Recruitment department.

Remember this is just an estimate. Many factors play a part in determining what your exact final bill looks like. Just know there are several sources of support that can come together to make this work for your student. We have extra work opportunities for extra need. We have church matching and sponsorship programs. We have scholarship funds. The financial aid process begins when a parent fills out the FA Student Aid Application in the application portal.

We believe students who are committed to developing their God-given talents and enhancing their relationship with Jesus should not be turned away from Fletcher Academy because of finances. We commit to having sufficient work and justified, need-based financial aid to assist such students. This commitment requires a partnership between the parent, student, church and school. The value of Christian Seventh-day Adventist education, as Fletcher Academy educates our young people for eternity, is measured in far more than dollars and cents and its benefits here on earth. The results will only be fully realized in Heaven.