Fletcher Academy offers a comprehensive college-preparatory program that includes a balanced combination of robust academics, practical spirituality, real-life work experiences, and lasting friendships.

When a student comes to Fletcher, we are all together investing in their future. This requires a financial commitment from students and their family, from churches, from sponsors, from the school’s financial aid budget, but together we can make this happen for every student!

We’re here to help you develop a plan to afford Fletcher Academy. We can tell you plenty of miracle stories where God opened the doors by “building a team” of financial support around a student to help offset the costs of tuition.

Tuition & Fees

2025-2026Tuition and Fees
Freshman & Sophomore Tuition
Junior & Senior Tuition
Food and Housing (dorm students only)$7,800
Room Deposit (dorm students only) $100
Entrance Fee$745
($795 after June 30)
Books & Supplies (estimated)$450
Graduation Fee (Seniors only)$150
Activity Fee (community students only)$150
Application Fee$40
($150 for *International Students)

*Duolingo English Test: https://englishtest.duolingo.com/applicants

Minimum score: [90 or 105, see above]

*The Duolingo English Test is an online English proficiency test that can be taken online, on-demand, in under an hour for only $49. The test is taken via a computer with a camera and includes a proficiency score, video interview, and writing sample which are shared with [institution name] when you send your results. Certified results are available within 48 hours of the test session.

Payment Plans

Parents may choose one of the following payment plans for their portion of the student charges. Students are only allowed to register for classes after the 1st payment has been paid in full.

  1. Full Payment at Registration: If the total annual amount due by the parents is paid in cash or by check at Registration, a three percent discount will apply.
  2. Ten Monthly Payments: Under this plan, parents will pay the Entrance Fee and Room Deposit, plus 1/10th of the net charges to be paid by the parent at the time of registration. The remaining 9 payments (September through May) will be equal payments of the remaining balance due from the parent for the school year.

NC Opportunity Scholarship

The state of North Carolina provides the Opportunity Scholarship to private school students who reside in North Carolina. Awards range from approximately $3,000 to $7,000, based on a family’s household income. Make sure to apply in February, as the final day of the priority application period ends in early March.

Please note that there is no way for Fletcher Academy to know your student’s probability of receiving this state scholarship. We encourage families who could benefit from this scholarship to consider applying directly with the state. Applying for this scholarship can be done before your student has finished the admission process with Fletcher Academy. The award funding is portable, which means parents can transfer a student’s scholarship to another eligible nonpublic school at a later date.

Church Matching Scholarships

If a church chooses to support a student financially it can be included in the financial plan through the Church Matching Scholarship form. If the student is identified as having a financial need, Fletcher Academy will match up to $2,000 of the church’s assistance. If you have any questions about the revisions to these policies or new forms, please don’t hesitate to email Student Finance. I am always happy to answer questions from families, pastors, treasurers, and others.

Sponsorship Program

The sponsorship program is a very important part of the financial plan to assist students in meeting the expenses of obtaining a quality Seventh-day Adventist education at Fletcher Academy. Students are encouraged to recruit sponsors like you who believe in the value of hard work. We make provision for all students to spend part of each day working because we believe that students must be taught that life requires earnest effort and responsibility. We endeavor to develop strong work ethics in our students as one of life’s true aims is to honor the Maker in doing our part in honest labor.

Please understand that contributions on behalf of a specific individual are generally NOT tax-deductible. Thank you for prayerfully supporting students who are committed to developing their God-given talents and enhancing their relationship with Jesus. With your faithful support, no student will be turned away from Fletcher Academy because of finances.

Student Work Program

Fletcher’s work-study program makes provision for every student to spend part of each school day working in addition to attending classes. This work can generate significant income to help pay for the student’s tuition and fees.

Financial Aid Scholarships

We believe students who are committed to developing their God-given talents and enhancing their relationship with Jesus should not be turned away from Fletcher Academy because of finances. We commit to having sufficient work and justified, need-based financial aid to assist such students. This commitment requires a partnership between the parent, student, church and school. The value of Christian Seventh-day Adventist education, as Fletcher Academy educates our young people for eternity, is measured in far more than dollars and cents and its benefits here on earth. The results will only be fully realized in Heaven.

Several types of financial aid are available to FA students based on academic qualifications and financial need. If applying for financial aid, the parents must fill out the Financial Questionnaire and the FA Student Aid Application in the application portal. The application will require a copy of your most recent Federal Income Tax return (only pages 1 & 2 of the 1040).

Fletcher Academy makes provision for students on financial aid to contribute to their education by working extra in the summer and over some of the breaks during the school year. This commitment, and even sacrifice, by student and parents, may be part of the requirement for receiving financial aid and is part of the partnership between parent, student, church, and school. For complete scholarship guidelines and application procedures, see the student handbook or email Student Finance.

Activity Scholarships

Activity scholarships (up to $800) are usually awarded at Academy Days based on skills/abilities in Bible knowledge, instrumental or vocal music, art, or athletics. Auditions and/or examples of abilities will be judged by FA faculty in determining the amount of each scholarship. These activity scholarships are non-renewable after the first year.

Named Scholarships

Alumni & endowed scholarships (up to $2,000 per year) are usually awarded during the financial plan process. Recipients are formally announced at Homecoming Weekend in the fall of each year depending on the criteria set-up by the donors. Student Aid Applications are used to determine need. Eligible students are automatically considered. No additional application is required, but it helps to finish your financial plan as early as possible as some scholarships are limited.

Academic GPA Scholarships

Academic scholarships for incoming students will be awarded based on standardized test scores from the previous school year. These GPA scholarships are renewable based on GPA. No additional application is required.

Still Need Additional Assistance?

We’re here to help you develop a plan to afford Fletcher Academy. There are several sources of support that can come together to make this work for your student. We have extra work opportunities for extra need. We have church matching and sponsorship programs. We have scholarship funds. The financial aid process begins when a parent fills out the FA Student Aid Application in the application portal.