Faculty & Staff Senior Leadership Team Christopher Carey President/CEOFletcher Academy, Inc.828-209-6701 Stephen Learned Treasurer/CFOFletcher Academy, Inc.828-209-6711 Arthur Gibbs Chief Advancement OfficerCorporate Secretary828-209-6704 Phil Wilhelm Chief Academic OfficerFA PrincipalAlgebra 1828 209-6801 Fletcher Academy Administration (9-12) Phil Wilhelm Chief Academic OfficerFA PrincipalAlgebra 1828 209-6801 Andrew Rahm Vice Principal of Campus LifeBoy's Dean828-209-6851 Jessica Stout Vice Principal of AcademicsEnglish828-209-6821 Brad Durby Vice Principal of Recruitment and Retention828 209-6802 Elizabeth Kendrick Registrar828-209-6803 Chrisy Witt Girl's DeanCustodial Supervisor828-209-6865 Arthur Gibbs Chief Advancement OfficerCorporate Secretary828-209-6704 Rosellen Brown DevelopmentVolunteer Coordinator828-209-6706 Fletcher Academy Faculty & Staff (9-12) Sheri Baker HandBellsAdjunct Faculty828-209-6840 Bill Bass Bible/Auto RepairWoodworkingTransportation828-209-6833 Jodi Beckworth EnglishSpanish828-209-6800 Clinton Carvill ScienceMathematics828-209-6836 Morgan Davis Food ServiceAssistant828-209-6870 Arlen Fletcher ScienceMathematicsComputer Apps828-209-6832 Cheryl Grant Food ServiceDirector828-209-6871 Matt Grant Food ServiceAssistant828-209-6870 Kim Henski Health/Life SkillsArt/Yearbook828-209-6813 Zach Henski ChaplainBible/Spanish828-209-6831 Melissa Maguire Girl's Assistant Dean828-209-6865 Spencer McConnachie OrchestraStringsBand828-209-6844 Caleb McQuistan HistoryEnglish828-209-6823 Adam Mohns Team SportsGymnasticsIntramuralsAttendance Officer828-209-6816 Denise Pettit Choir11th Hour828-209-6843 Edward Pineda Boy's Assistant Dean828-209-6851 Jessica Rahm School Nurse828-209-6800 Vicki Redden LibraryRecruitment828-209-6834 David Rogers Food ServiceAssistant Director828-209-6870 Dean Sigsworth MathematicsNHS Sponsor828-209-6824 Chris Small BibleHistoryAdjunct Faculty828-209-6800 Captain Gilmer Christian School (K-8) Sarah Wilson CGCS Principal828-684-8221 Teresa Bass SecretaryRegistrar828-684-8221 Sharline Bliven Pre- K/ Kindergarten828-684-8221 Amanda Mohns Pre- K/ Kindergarten828-684-8221 Meredith McKenzie 1st Grade828-684-8221 Melissa McDonald 2nd Grade828-684-8221 Sheri Baker 3rd GradeChoir & Handbells828-684-8221 Mary Beth Hagan 4th Grade828-684-8221 LaQuinta Reed 5th Grade828-684-8221 Stephanie Murrill 5th Grade828-684-8221 Shelly Maskelony 6th Grade HomeroomLanguage Arts828-684-8221 Jeannie Larrabee 7th Grade HomeroomScience & Bible828-684-8221 Kevin Johnson 8th Grade HomeroomMathematics & History828-684-8221 Laricia Crabtree Paraprofessional828-684-8221 Sara Huston Paraprofessional828-684-8221 Tiffany Kelley Paraprofessional828-684-8221 Erika Mendoza Paraprofessional828-684-8221 Natalie Moore Art828-684-8221 Abbigale Oliver Paraprofessional828-684-8221 Dixie Padgett Paraprofessional828-684-8221 Kelly Pineda Librarian828-684-8221 Whitney Wetmore Art828-684-8221 Finance Department Stephen Learned Treasurer/CFOFletcher Academy, Inc.828-209-6711 Eric Schnell Assistant Treasurer828-209-6712 Collin Petty Director of Human ResourcesRisk Management828-209-6714 Pam Hughes Accountant828-209-6713 Michelle VerEllen Administrative Assistant828-209-6710 Construction & Campus Community Michael Hagan General ContractorEnterprises Construction828-808-7716 Jon Smith Director of Campus Community828-209-6706 Michael Huston New Construction Team Lead Fletcher Academy Farm Marci Postell Director(828) 335-8100 Fletcher Park Inn Lisa Metcalf Director828-209-6935 Wayne Knittle CaretakerTransportation828-209-6930 Jon Smith Chaplain828-209-6706 Geri Tucker Community Activities Coordinator828-209-6934 TBA Community Marketing Coordinator828-209-6935 TBA Food Service Director828-209-6936 Fletcher Seventh-day Adventist Church Ryan Ashlock Senior Pastor704-534-6480 James Reynaert Youth Pastor239-671-5669 Ivan Blake Associate Pastor828-782-7777 Grounds Tyler May Campus Creation Experience Director828-209-6840 Joe Davis Grounds Supervisor828-209-6840 Sandy Smith, Jr. Fletcher Park Inn Grounds Supervisor828-209-6840 IT Department Josh Wilkins Director828-209-6720 Heath Miller Technician828-209-6720 Robert Hastings Technician828-209-6720 LPC Fitness & Aquatics Wendi Pendleton Director828-209-6902 Brooke West Rentals Coordinator & Admin. Asst.828-209-6903 Regina Baker Aquatics Coordinator828-209-6905 Lisa Dudenhoefer Member Services Coordinator828-209-6900 Plant Services Jason McDonald Director828-209-6731 Timothy "TJ" Justus Technician828-209-6730 Jimmy Buckner Technician828-209-6730 Jimmy Cooper Technician828-209-6730 Tisha Kirwan Office Manager828-209-6730 Brenell Newman Technician828-209-6730 Bob Southard Technician828-209-6730